Unplugged Explorers is a “mom & pop shop” started in Cedar Hills, Utah by a couple of neighbors who’ve been raising our kids together for years.

As parents and friends, we think back to when we were children; roaming the foothills and along the creeks, exploring and enjoying the outdoors. We consider those times critical in our growth and development and we’d like to offer kids everywhere the tools for exactly that kind of exploration.

Advances in technology come with a few unforeseen outcomes…

There has been a shift in kid’s activities in the last 20 years. With the introduction of hand-held electronics, smart phones, social media, gaming and other forms of “screen time,” it’s important to give kids a healthy alternative. Inspiring kids to get outside and to use their senses to experience this beautiful world is to be our number one goal. “More green time and less screen time” as we like to say!

Unplugged Explorers is the product of years of discussions about the direction kid’s entertainment has been headed.